September 1, 2024

The Pastor Notes
Series: The Time Is Now
Title: Who Are You Serving?


– Greeting and welcome to One City church
– Introduction to the new series The Time Is Now
– Scripture focus: 1 Corinthians 10:31
– The call to glorify God in all we do

1. Our Service Must Be Sacrificial

– Defining sacrificial service
– Service stems from selflessness and humility
– Example of Jesus as the ultimate sacrifice
– Illustration of the widows offering (Mark 12:41-44)
– Sacrifice as an act of compassion, humility, and a heartfelt commitment

2. Our Service Must Be Sincere

– The essence of sincere service
– Observing the quality of service in everyday church life
– The link between serving others and serving Christ (Matthew 25:45)
– The call to service beyond self-interest (Philippians 2:3)
– Personal reflection on serving without expecting return

3. Our Service Must Be Sanctified

– The idea of sanctified living and service
– A metaphor using the locks on the bedroom doors.
– Holiness in service as a divine calling
– The transformative power of serving with a sanctified heart
– The urgency to serve now within Gods church


– The call to join the mission of One City Church
– Personal invitation to commit to service
– The act of bringing the commitment card to the altar
– Emphasis on the value of each individual in Gods plan
– Affirmation that The Time Is Now to be part of Gods mission

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