May 19, 2024

May We Honor – Memorial Day

Sermon Title: Battle Ready


  • Welcome to One City and Happy Memorial Day weekend.
  • Memorial Day is about honoring those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.
  • Like soldiers, we must be intentionally prepared to be “Battle Ready” in our faith.


1. We Must Honor the Mission – Matthew 9:35-38

  • Who we live for is as important as how we live.
  • Our mission is to bring the good news of Jesus to those who are lost.
  • Jesus was sent with a mission to offer hope and healing, a mission we must honor as well.
  • We are given authority through our relationship with Jesus to carry out this mission.
  • The mission requires us to rely on Jesus’ power, not our own abilities.


2. We Must Honor the Assignment – Matthew 10:5-8

  • The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.
  • We are placed in specific communities to share Jesus’ love and grace.
  • Recognize the mission field around us and trust Jesus’ presence and power.
  • Our assignments are opportunities to make a difference in our current spaces.
  • God will provide everything needed to be effective and fruitful in our assignments.


3. We Must Honor Our Training – Ephesians 3:20-21

  • Challenges in life are part of our training to be “Battle Ready.”
  • The disciples were ordinary people empowered to do extraordinary things through Jesus.
  • Our past and struggles prepare us for our God-given assignments.
  • Trust in Jesus’ power allows us to accomplish the impossible.
  • The most significant accomplishments will be through Jesus’ ability, not our own.
  • Surrendering to Jesus empowers us to do the impossible.


Bring it Home: Embracing the Church’s Mission

  • Summary: Reflect on honoring our mission, assignment, and training to be “Battle Ready.”
  • Challenge: Actively participate in God’s assignments and rely on the Holy Spirit to carry them out.
  • Conclusion: Embrace your role, support one another, and trust in God’s plan for His Church.

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