June 30, 2024

Title: Identity Crisis


  • Welcome everyone to One City Church and introduce the series finale of “One and Done.”
  • Share personal anecdotes about childhood dreams versus adult realities, emphasizing the shift in identity.
  • Pose the question: Are we redefining our faith to fit our lifestyle or redefining our lifestyle to pursue what it means to be a Christian?
  • Introduce the sermon title: “Identity Crisis.”

1. The Generous Christian: 3 John 1:1-8

  • Generosity should be a fundamental part of our Christian identity.
  • Gaius is praised for his generosity, which includes time, energy, and love, not just material things.
  • Generosity is a lifestyle that reflects Jesus’ love.
  • True generosity is given with no strings attached.
  • Compare true generosity to manipulation, highlighting the purity of Gaius’ actions.
  • Challenge the congregation to evaluate their own generosity and motivations.

2. The Consuming Christian: 3 John 1:9-11

  • Beware of traits that lead to a self-centered and divisive Christian identity.
  • Diotrephes is characterized by a desire for control, spreading false accusations, and resistance to correction.
  • Such behaviors create exclusion and division within the church.
  • Discuss the danger of prioritizing personal power over serving the body of Christ.
  • Encourage self-reflection on attitudes towards control, gossip, and openness to correction.

3. The Reputable Christian: 3 John 1:12-14

  • Consistency and integrity are crucial for a Christian identity that honors God.
  • Demetrius is well spoken of due to his consistent faith and obedience.
  • Reputation is built through consistent behavior, faith, and commitment.
  • Urge the congregation to align their lives with God’s word and maintain consistency in their faith.

Bring it Home: Embracing Our Call as Christians

  • Summary: Reflect on the importance of being generous, avoiding self-centeredness, and living consistently with integrity.
  • Challenge: Call to action for everyone to evaluate their Christian identity and make necessary changes to reflect true godliness.
  • Conclusion: Encourage embracing roles as leaders in faith, trusting in God’s plan and the support from the church community.

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