June 16, 2024

Title: Man Up

Father’s Day


  • Welcome everyone to One City and a very Happy Father’s Day.
  • Acknowledgment of all forms of fatherhood represented in the congregation.
  • Discussing the significance of dreams and the role of intentionality in turning them into reality.
  • Relating the concept of becoming a man of God to the need for intentional action in our faith journey.

1. We Must Be Filled with God – Numbers 14:24

  • A man of God has a spirit that sets him apart, as seen in Caleb.
  • Balloon Illustration
  • Being filled with the Holy Spirit is essential for rising to the calling God places on us.
  • Emphasizing the need to be filled with God’s presence rather than the weight of the world.

2. We Must Act Like It – Joshua 14:10-11

  • Caleb not only claimed to follow God but demonstrated it through his actions.
  • A call to men to lead their families and communities spiritually.
  • Illustration of Caleb’s consistency and vigor, even at the age of 85, serving as an example for all men.
  • A challenge to men to be genuine in their faith, reflecting the character of Christ in every aspect of life.

3. We Receive Godly Honor – Matthew 6:33

  • The pursuit of Godliness leads to godly honor and rewards, starting with salvation.
  • Caleb’s example of facing and defeating giants in the land as a metaphor for overcoming personal and communal challenges.
  • Encouragement that fidelity to Godly principles brings blessings and fulfillment of God’s promises.
  • A reminder that godly men are recognized and rewarded by God, impacting their families and beyond.


Bring it Home: Embracing Our Call as Men of God

  • Summary: Reflect on the importance of being filled with God, acting on our faith, and receiving godly rewards.
  • Challenge: Call to all men to step up and lead spiritually, reflecting true godliness in their lives.
  • Conclusion: Encouragement to embrace our roles as leaders in our homes and communities, trusting in God’s plan and support from the church family.

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