February 18, 2024

The Starting Line

Week 2 – Who Am I?

– Recap of the previous week’s topic on “Why are we here?”
– Mention the theme of stepping up to each starting line of the trinity
– Introduction to the movie “The Blindside” and the real-life story
– Discuss the importance of seeing and embracing one’s true identity


Misidentification of Identity
– Understand that external influences such as coaches, teachers, parents, and past relationships can misidentify our identity
– Many of us are settling for a misidentified identity instead of striving for what God has called us to be


Discovering Our True Identity: Genesis 1:26
– Genesis is “The Starting Line” of the bible and of our identity
– “Then God said, ‘Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.'” (Genesis 1:26 – NIV)
– 3 Key Phrases: “Let Us,” “Our Image,” and “Rule Over”


1. “Let Us”: Created for Community
– Discuss the concept of God being a community and our creation in community with Him
– There is a breakdown of community in today’s society and the need for belonging
– Emphasize the importance of authentic identity within a community
– Small Groups are important because they help us find our true identity


2. “Our Image”: Characteristics Shared with God 
– 3 characteristics that we share with God: Creativity, time, and language
– Highlight the ordinary moments where we are most like God
– We are most like God in our most ordinary moments


3. “Rule Over”: Stewards of Creation
– Clarify the difference between dominion and domination
– Explain our responsibility as stewards to improve and foster what God has given us
– Discuss the 8 influential sectors in the world and their connection to reflecting the image of God


Closing: Kingdom Offering and Building a Better Community
– Explain the significance of the Kingdom Offering and its impact on the community
– Encourage everyone to bring their best and commit to leaving the world better than they found it
– Discuss the future of the church and the importance of collective commitment

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