April 14, 2024

Elephant in the Church



  • Reveal the theme of the week: Hell
  • Emphasizing the need to replace fear of hell with love for Jesus.
  • Exploring the complexities of hell and its implications for believers and non-believers.


1. There is No Hope in Hell

  • Introduction to the concept of hopelessness in hell.
  • Introduce the story of the rich man and Lazarus from Luke 16:19-31.
  • Discussion on the eternal despair of those separated from God.
  • Contrast between earthly comfort and eternal suffering.

(Luke 16:19-21) Introduces the characters and their earthly circumstances
(Luke 16:22-24) Describes the eternal outcomes and initial torments in hell.


2. There is No Rest in Hell

  • Discuss the eternal unrest for those in hell.
  • Reflections on choices made in life leading to consequences after death.
  • The role of self-centered living as a path to eternal agony.
  • Encouraging a life focused on Jesus and eternal rest offered through Him.

(Luke 16:25-26) Abraham’s conversation highlighting eternal separation
(Matthew 11:28) Jesus’s promise of rest to those who come to Him.


3. There is No Peace in Hell

  • The absence of peace and constant turmoil in hell.
  • The rich man’s plea for his family’s salvation and the finality of choices.
  • The necessity of accepting prophetic warnings and Jesus’s teachings.
  • Encouraging proactive faith that fears God out of reverence, not terror.

(Luke 16:27-31) Final pleas and irrevocable fate.


Bring it Home

  • Hell as a place without hope, rest, or peace.
  • Stress the importance of choosing Jesus for a life and eternity filled with hope, peace, and rest.
  • Response > The invitation is open > Receive it

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